I must have passed through Hulimangala Mango Grove numerous times earlier .The road from here is the short -cut route to reach my daughter's school .I always admired this stretch and was hoping that one day I will have one of the Third Sunday Outings here. But I was little hesitant as there was virtually no road to reach the place from Koppa Gate. Few days back a friend went around to recce the place and found that the road is drivable now and we can have the outing there... The place did not disappoint us. Around 40 us enjoyed the last remains of the greenery around this place, which will be gone forever,once the owner of the grove decides to sell it to some builder to make a layout as is the case everywhere around here. The lands here are made barren either to make way for a layout or to rent it out to granite factories, which not only robs the greenery, the minute granite dust is polluting the whole stretch from Junglepalya to Jigani.
The bird of the day was of course sighting of Pied Cuckoo and Short-toed Eagle.Many in the group also spotted the Asian Paradise-flycatcher and also enjoyed the fly-catching act of the Asian Brown Flycatcher
And here is the list :
Barbet, White-cheeked
Bee-eater, Small Green
Bushcat, Pied
Bushlark, Jerdon's
Coot, Common
Cormorant, Little
Coucal, Greater
Crow, House
Crow, Jungle
Cuckoo, Pied
Cuckooshrike, Large
Dove, Little Brown
Dove, Spotted
Drongo, Black
Eagle, Short-toed
Egret, Cattle
Egret, Little
Flowerpecker, Pale-billed
Flycatcher, Asian Brown
Flycatcher, Asian Paradise
Grebe, Little
Heron, Pond
Hornbill, Indian Grey
Ibis, Glossy
Iora, Common
Kingfisher, Small Blue
Kingfisher, Pied
Kingfisher, White-breasted (White-throated)
Kite, Black(Pariah)
Kite, Brahminy
Kite, Black-shouldered
Minivet, Small *
Mynah, Common
Mynah, Jungle
Oriole, Eurasian Golden
Owlets, Spotted
Parakeet, Rose-Ringed
Pipit, Paddyfield
Prinia, Ashy
Robin, Indian
Robin, Oriental Magpie
Roller, Indian
Sandpiper, Wood
Shrike, Brown
Sparrow, House
Sunbird, Purple-rumped
Swallow, Red-rumped
Swallow, Wire-tailed
Swift, Asian Palm
Tit, Great
Waterhen, White-breasted
Woodpecker, Black-rumped Flameback
Warbler,Clamorous Reed
Warbler,Clamorous Reed
Here is Deepa Mohan's blog post about the outing
Lovely pictures shot by Vaibhav are here
And here is post which appeared in the blog of Bangalore Captured
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